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My research draws inspiration from nature and digital technology, where I am searching for ways to design interactions that bring us closer to the more-than-human world. As a designer, I aspire to situate my practice in relation to the local environment and emphasize the extensive human entanglement with their natural surroundings.


I am keen on rethinking and reconfiguring my ways of practice to discover harmonious ways of thinking and creating.


Keywords: More-than-Human Design, Design & Nature, Design Process, Design Methodology

Mindful Interactions (2022) , Zahra Jalali & Kimia Gholami, Occasional Papers. More resources here & here


More-than-Human Design: An Intervention into Design (2022), collaborative thesis for the completion of Master of Design degree at Emily Carr University of Art + Design


My Creative Partner: Reflecting on our More-than-Human Interactions, Workshop supported by the DESIS Lab, Emily Carr University


Prototyping the GrIID™: The Story of Vancouver’s first Green Industrial Innovation District in Formation is the result of a research collaboration between Living Labs/Shumka Centre and Recycling Alternative, supported by the National Research Council of Canada Industrial Research Assistance Program (NRC-IRAP) through the Circular Economies and Local Ecologies program in 2021-2022.

MtH Thesis

More-than-Human Design:

A Mindful Intervention into Design

In my collaborative thesis More-than-Human Design at Emily Carr University (2022) with Kimia Gholami, we devised a design process that expands Human-Centered Design approach to account for the non-human beings as well as humans, as they are also affected by and involved in the design + design processes. This approach intervenes in different stages of the Design Thinking strategy, and presents an alternative way of thinking and practice in the era of ecological crisis.

Workshop | DESIS LAB

My Creative Partner

Together with Kimia Gholami & Marcia Higuchi (MDes 2022), we had the chance to collaborate with the DESIS Lab at Emily Carr University and facilitate two workshops.These workshops gave us the chance to open up conversations about our relationship with More-than-Humans and partnering with them as potential creative collaborators. The participants were engaged in reflections, storytelling, and making as a way of practicing reciprocity towards the MtH world. 

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